Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > JADE Command Line Section [JadeCommandLine]

JADE Command Line Section [JadeCommandLine]

The [JadeCommandLine] section of the JADE initialization file enables you to enter command line parameters in the JADE initialization file, with the exception of the name command line parameter (which although you can specify it, is ignored).

For details about command line arguments that you can specify in this section, see "Specifying Parameters in the JADE Command Line", in Chapter 3 of the JADE Installation and Configuration Guide. Alternatively, see the appropriate JADE utility user’s guide for details about running other JADE applications. For example, see "Running the Application Server and Presentation Clients", in Chapter 2 of the JADE Thin Client Guide for details about running an application server or a presentation client.

For details about multiple programs (with the exception of jdbutilb) on the same host sharing a JADE initialization file, see "Sharing JADE Initialization Files", earlier in this chapter.

Some command line parameters (for example, path, schema, and appServer) are required for some JADE programs but for other JADE programs they are optional.

Values specified in JADE initialization file parameters can be overridden by command line parameter values.

Unless your JADE initialization file is located in the bin directory, you should specify the ini parameter on the shortcut command line rather than in the [JadeCommandLine] section so that the executable knows immediately the location of the JADE initialization file that contains all information required by the program.